Climatrol - Here is another natural pill that is using this same formulation technique. Climatrol has been on the market for a while with a nice mixture of 5 HTP and other compounds including kava kava, folic acid, passion-flower, and vitamin B6. The 5 HTP comes from an extract of graffonia seed, also know as graffonia simplicifolia which is an extract of seeds from a natural plant found in coastal West Africa. These ingredients may result in an extended sexual performance and is a favorite among men who wish they could "go" longer.
This product had good results during our evaluation and many men have reported that they are lasting longer by taking Climatrol though not all. The only downside is like all natural pills designed to extend sexual performances, they take some time to work. You must take the pills for about a month until you start to notice a difference. The upside is that it works and once you get past the 30 days or so it takes for it to work for you, then you are good to go from that point forward. No need for a cream or gel. While the formula is good, its’ not as strong as we would like to see. It is decent but not better than Dapovar. Expensive at over $100 a bottle – but some people swear by it. A solid yet stupidly expensive product. GRADE C
We could not find an active official site for this product. If you know where it is please drop us a line.
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