The Science Behind Male Enhancement Products

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Accurate Information is Your Key to Getting a Bigger Stronger Penis.

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The 3 Top Rated Male Enhancement Products of 2025

- Welcome to our guide to male enhancement supplements. We are a research institution dedicated to providing you, the consumer, with the most up-to-date information regarding the male enhancement supplement market. There is often a gap between the latest research and what products are available but our team of researchers and doctors is here to bridge that gap. We are on the forefront of the latest Male Enhancement supplements.

Our staff and board of advisers have written on every topic related to male urological matters, erectile function, size augmentation, male enhancement and more. From the cause of erectile problems and to what you can do about it, and how to naturally enhance your anatomy, everything you need to know is here. It doesn’t matter if you’re a younger man and want to find a supplement to make you bigger and maximize your penis size potential, or if you’re an older man looking to end your erectile problems and you’re researching natural supplements that can work for you. We are here to help. All the information you need is right here.

Most supplements don’t have much else to offer besides the ubiquitous L-Arginine + Horny Goat Weed combination. Some also have yohimbe and muira puama, but do they do anything to help? We’ve researched which ingredients are actually effective and are worth your money so you don’t have to.

Why Male Enhancement Pills Are Important

Male Enhancement Supplements

Unless you have been living in a cave for the past ten years you are undoubtedly aware of the concept of male enhancement pills. Male enhancement was a relatively unknown concept prior to the arrival of the super sex pill Viagra. Pfizer not only helped millions of men with their revolutionary product, but they also raised awareness of a man’s sexual issue. This also raised the consciousness of the concept of and the need for natural male enhancement pills. Today, there are literally hundreds of natural male enhancement pills sold in North America alone. In European countries and in Asia, natural male enhancement products are as common as aspirin or cough syrup.

On this website we have reviewed 40 of the most talked about and well-known male enhancement pills that are sold without requiring a doctor’s visit for a prescription. Our goal is to provide an educated, unbiased and realistic understanding of what you can expect from male enhancement pills in general, and what kind of performance you can expect from specific product brands. As you will soon discover there are many products that are exceptionally engineered and can provide a great deal of sexual enhancement.

As comforting as it is to know that such products are available, it is also disturbing to note that many of the products in the male enhancement category are not what they claim to be, and in some cases are outright frauds. Imposters are an unfortunate part of any young industry and the male enhancement industry has a few that need to be avoided.

As a society we place a great deal of importance on a man’s ability to be sexually impressive. Good or bad, right or wrong, a man’s sexual ability and his natural male enhancement assets are often treated with too much importance. It has been said that a man’s ability to perform sexually is more important than his ability to earn a living. Just as women are under constant pressure from Madison Avenue to be razor thin like the Hollywood stars and supermodels, there is also a constant raising of the bar in the area of natural male enhancement, penis size and performance.

In the past, if a man was not naturally gifted in the area of male endowment or male enhancement, he had few options. Penile surgery was a common option as were penis pumps. Both of these options remain less than desirable. Fortunately scientific advancements have accelerated at a pace far quicker than any other time in human history. This is largely due to natural supplement companies using technologies that were developed by pharmaceutical companies. This new knowledge has led to lightening-fast changes in not just the male enhancement segment of the natural products industry, but across the board. Colon cleansers work better, muscle pills are more potent, antioxidants are better, natural sleeping pills work faster and more efficiently. Men’s sexual enhancers are no exception. Each year the products improve significantly. In the past 18 months we have seen three products that are quantum leaps ahead of products that were considered state-of-the-art just a few years ago.

Male enhancement pills are important because all men now have the opportunity and possibility to be perform like those men that were born with the genetics that make them naturally gifted. Men no longer have to feel inadequate because of their sexual performance or the size of their erections. Not only do men win, but their partners also benefit from these scientific advancements. Not because of the increased pleasure they may experience, but on a much grander scale society wins since a more sexually confident man feels better about himself and that carries over into other areas of life. He is more pleasant to be around, he functions better in society, he is less grumpy. Studies have even shown that crime rates are lowered due to increase sexual satisfaction.

In conclusion, whether you want to take advantage of the scientific advancements in the area of male enhancement products for no other reason than to get a larger penis, or if you are more interested in the overall effect an improvement in your male enhancement can have on your life as a whole – you win. The technology is available, the research is getting better, the science is extraordinary and the results are significant. We hope our site can help you improve your overall male sexual health.

Main Sections Of The Doctors Guide To Male Enhancement

Longinexx Review

Product Reviews

We've evaluated over 150 of the most recognized products available in the USA. Our reviews are the result of clinical testing, customer feedback, info from store owners / distributors, and analysis from medical professionals. Read real user written reviews and comments then leave your own feedback for others to read and discuss. In addition to our staff's ranking our users have voted for themselves which products work best, See the votes then contribute by voting on products you've used yourself.

Vaso Ultra Review
Longinexx Reviewed
Longinexx Review

Science & Articles

We bring you the latest in male enhancement science, articles, and news. Science Is The Key To Effective Male Enhancement Supplements and in this section you can learn all about the science behind the foremost products in the industry. Check out our all new Male Enhancement News Feed Agreggator and find out what our research teams have uncovered as the biggest scams of 2017. Read this section to get more info on how to avoid these scams!

Vaso Ultra Review
Longinexx Reviewed
Longinexx Review

Doctors Guide FAQ

We recieve many questions daily from our users. Here we have posted the answers to the most frequently asked questions as well as some not so frequently asked yet equally important questions Read this informative section to educate yourself and shed light on some of the most wondered about questions. We are always adding more Q&A's so if you don't see the answer to something check back soon or simply email us your question and we'll get right back.

Vaso Ultra Review
Longinexx Reviewed

Site News

What New Products Should We Review?

Its time for us to begin rounding up products for the next group of reviews. We want to here from YOU, the user, what products you are most interested in. Please click here to email us about what new products you would most like to see on our site. Please do not suggest extenders or other extension devices. These products are flat out dangerous and we have heard so many horror stories that we do not wish to accidently give the impression that we in anyway condone the use of these products by covering them on our website.

New Feature – Male Enhancement News Aggregator

We have recently completed our brand new male enhancement news feed aggregator. We have designed it to bring you the absolute best mens health information and entertainment the net has to offer using our technology to bring it all together in one place. It can be accessed through the short-cut in the left column or through our science & articles page. Please send us in any feedback you might have about this new feature.

New Feature – User Surveys

We are proud to announce another innovative feature this week, User Surveys. Our team has put together 18 different polls, 17 of which are based off the answers you, the users, where kind enough to provide us while participating in our “Site Improvement Question-are”. To see the results please cast your vote for that particular survey. Please take a moment and help us improve our site by voting on a few polls. We would also appreciate any feedback about our new feature that you could provide.

New Feature – Leave Written Reviews/Comments Directly

Our development team has been hard at work. We are proud to announce that we are rolling out our dynamic user written comments and reviews feature this week. We have always had user reviews but before they had to be sent in via e-mail and our editors had to add them to the pagees. Now you can enter comments and reviews directly on our pages for them to be displayed immediatly. Please take a moment and help us improve our site by leaving a comment or review on a product you have experience with or a question about. Also if you have any feedback about our new feature please feel free to drop us a line.

The 2017 Reports Are In

We have updated all the reviews with the most currently available information for 2017, In addition we are pleased to announce we have added another group of comprehensive product reviews. Check out the new ratings as things have changed in the new year. Some previous top ranking products have slipped in their game and some new winners have emerged. Longinexx and Zyrexin, two of the new products included in this round of reviews blew us away and came out as the top two products for the moment.

New Site Design Launched

We are pleased to announce a brand-new format for the Doctors Guide to Male Enhancement website. Its been a long time in development and we think you, the users, will be extremely pleased with our new design. We have paid the utmost attention in designing the most informative & user friendly website on male enhancement anywhere in the world. *UPDATE* Thank you all so much for your extremely positive feed-back we are glad the new site has been such a smash success with our users.

Penatropin Review
Penis Enlargement